Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Well Here is an Update if You are Interested My Friends!!

We made it back to Suva! It is good to be back. The trip to the village was so great, but I'm thankful for the house here we stay at in Suva. It makes me realize how blessed or spoiled I am, call it what you may, but I am amazed at the poor conditions some people live in, and am more amazed at the fact that there are many who live in much worse situations then the ones I was able to witness. Its sad, but be of good cheer because I did not meet one person who complained or was sad about their living conditions. It is definitely a reality check and a priority check for me to remember to put my focus on the right thing, on Heavenly Father, the Savior, the Gospel, and service. It's easy to get caught up in material posessions, though there is nothing wrong with having nice things, it easy to get caught up in having these nice things. 

Each Sunday we have been sure to make it to Church. I love being busy, but I am grateful for the opportunity to step back a little on Sunday, slow down, and rest. It helps me to refocus and to make sure I am living for Christ each week. I am blessed to be able to partake of the Sacrament here and feel the refreshing power of the Atonement work in my heart and my life. We learned about being truly converted to Christ in Sunday School today and that obedience creates belief.
We also got to go to the Temple here in Suva. What a cool opportunity. It was great to see the Fijians doing Temple Work.

There is something the Fijians here refer to as 'Fiji Time'. They are late to everything and take things at a slow pace. Honestly, it is kind of like a big beach town full of relaxed beach bums, and they are proud of it too. haha
Although 'Fiji Time' is slow, my time is passing by quickly here, my month of Fiji service is just about over. It's bitter sweet.

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