Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Few People That Impacted My Life For Good:

I'd like to take some time to tell you all about a few people who impacted my life for good on this trip. Number One was a lady i met on the airplane to LA. I never actually talked to her the whole way, but at the end of our adventure, she asked to take a picture with me. The only thing i can think of that made her ask for a picture was that our eyes met multiples times during the plane and i always gave her a genuine smile each time they did. I guess that meant a lot to her. It made me realize how much influence i can have and how i better use it for great things, even when it is done through small means like smiling.

Picture two is of a lady who worked at Hilton. The girl on her left was mentally and physically handicapped. A happy little girl who has had to deal with a life time of pain. Everyday at school, this lady, her name was Sarah, would devote time to stretching this little girls limbs. Her muscles in her body get very very tight daily and have to be stretched out. Her spine is also crooked and has to be popped into place. The sad thing is that this little girl, whom Sarah has been working with throughout the girls life, does not get stretched out at home. Her parents don't do it for her, so by the time she comes to school, her muscles are very tight. I sat with Sarah and stroked the little girls head as she cried while her muscles were being stretched. Sarah knew what she was doing though, because every so often, the little girl would get this big smile on her face and giggle. Sarah would say, 'look' and it was evidence that the physical therapy was helping a little. This Sarah, lady, was an incredible woman in my eyes, to devote herself to this little girl. What a hard life this little girl must live, but I am sure that one day she will be able to thank Sarah for her concern and care. 

Picture three is about the lady in the striped shirt. Her daughter is the one holding on to her below. Her daughter is very mentally handicapped. Her mom works as a lunch lady at Hilton while her daughter goes to school. This lady was so happy and patient with her daughter. She would laugh with her daughter so frequently and feed her routinely. She took amazing care of her and it was a beautiful example to me of pure love. At the most all her daughter could do to say thank you was hug her, but usually it was because she wanted something. Her daughter was a very happy, fun girl. She loved to rock back and forth to music and fling her arms. She loved giving hugs too, but she also loved pulling hair so you had to watch out. haha

Picture four is of the head teacher at Hilton. She was the main person i went to for planning and fulfilling project ideas. She has a heart the size of a pineapple. She was such a loving lady and filled with good ideas and motivation. She runs a beautiful school, full of beautiful teacher taking great care of some truly amazing children. It brings my heart so much joy to know these kids are being taken care of and are being given the ability to learn and grow, despite their disabilities. One of their mottos at the school was 'disability is not inability'. 

Picture five is my Taylor. I is one of the most giving, generous people i have ever met. Yes, im bias, but anyone else would tell you the very same thing. He motivates me to be better! He filled everyday with continuous service and when he was serving, he was looking for a way he could serve better. We really learned a lot together on this trip and I hope to serve by his side for the rest of my life.

Picture six is some of the members of my group, not all of them though. The whole group was amazing and taught me things that i am thankful for, but id like to point out 
Taylor, Alex, Brittany, Susanna, Grey, and Michelle.

Alex- taught me to find joy in every day and every person.
Brittany- taught me to be motivated and happy with every little accomplishment
Taylor- taught me to serve willingly, tirelessly, with charity
Grey- taught me to listen better to people around me
Kate- was an example to me to smile more and be happy in the small things in life
Ely- was an example to me of being bold and proud to be who i am
Natalie- was an example to me to reach for my dreams and not be afraid
Jin Chung- was an example to me to not to fear new places
Allie- was an example for me to love easily
Ally- taught me to enjoy the adventure
Michelle- taught me to be prepared and motivated
Heidi- taught me to do things that are right even when they are hard
Audrey- taught me to laugh more
Lucy- was an example for me to be forward and truthful
Carly- was an example for me to develop a deep love for other cultures
Susanna- taught me to think more about my influence and my actions

There are many more people who impacted me for good, ladies who cooked endlessly for us HELP people, and the kind people I met all throughout Fiji, but these are a few examples of positive influences.

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