Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Made it!!!!
The climate and scenery is beautiful here. it feels like a jungle beach town. Although i havent been here long, we have had some pretty great adventures. After taking off from the LA airport at 11:30pm, we arrived in Nadi, Fiji at 5:30am. It was about a ten and a half hour flight. Our first adventure was cramming 13 people and their months worth of luggage in a 8 passenger van. Long story short, it was basically a big game of tetris. 

Weekends are our off days so since we flew in on saturday morning, we got to spend the day at the beach. AWESOME! We went kayaking, swam, played frisbee, and soaked up the sun. Afterwards we made our way to our house in Suva. Let me just say, scariest bus ride of my life!! They driver is positioned on the left sideof the car and they drive on the left side of the road here which is super hard to adjust too. The scariest part was that our driver was driving like ninety on these tiny, curvy roads with other cars driving by on the right, and this lasted for about four hours.

Sunday, some of us went to Church. There is a lds (the Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints) church super close. Its about a ten to fifteen minute walk. It is so cool go be able to be on the other side of the world and church is the same as back home, except there are different people of course. There were lots of beautiful Fijians in the ward and they were wonderful, faithful servants of Jesus Christ.
Today was our firstwork day. i went to Hilton School for special needs, physically handicapped kids, and deaf kids. they were amazing children. None of them let their disability hold them back. The school motto they had up for all to see was "disability is not inability".
these children were overflowing with love. As soon as they saw us, they wanted to hug us, learn about us, and teach us what they knew. The kids loved teaching us sign language. they were enthusiastic about everything they did, whether it was teaching, learning, dancing, responding to their teacher, etc. It was inspiring to me.

All over the world there are handicapped children who are held back from reaching their potential because they aren't taught in a way they can understand. It is so good to come here to Fiji and see these kids being cared about and given a future. One of the teachers there was a great example of the power that lies in good teachers. When he was younger, he attended the very school that he now teaches at. He is deaf and he graduated from Hilton, eventually going on to graduate from college and now he has a degree for teaching and chose to come back to the place that gave him his future. He teachers a sweet little class of deaf children, opening up the doors of opportunity for them as it was done for him.

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