Saturday, May 25, 2013

Right HERE is a good place to click as well. Or even right HERE because it's a good one too!

YO FRIENDS! So as I am preparing for my trip to Fiji, I have a few specific things I need to do. 


I'm hoping that the sign language in Fiji is somewhat similar to the ASL I have learned in college here so that I can use the sign language skills I have already developed to communicate with the people there, but as of now, its very important that I learn the Fijian sing language basics. 

CHECK IT OUT! Here is the alphabet if you wanna learn with me!!

Monday, May 20, 2013



          Hey There! I hope you are doing well! This letter is to share with you that I’ve recently had the opportunity to sign up with HELP International to go abroad to Fiji and help the people in need down there this summer.  I’m really looking forward to spending the summer abroad, helping people around the world, but I need some help to do so and I was hoping that YOU would be willing to help me out.
    HELP International is a non-profit organization that works across the globe, empowering local community members by teaching self-sustainable skills that can be passed on to others. Currently HELP is working with impoverished communities in seven locations around the world—Belize, Fiji, India, Thailand, Uganda, Tanzania, and Peru.
    As a volunteer, I will have the opportunity to initiate life-changing, sustainable development programs. One area that I am personally interested in is public health projects and education projects, specifically hoping to use American Sign Language to work with deaf Fijians.  I am confident that I can make a difference in the lives of the Fijian people and I am excited for the experience of doing so.
    Fiji is an island nation in the South Pacific Ocean, known for being a tropical paradise and a tourist destination. However, about fifty percent of the population lives at or below the official poverty line. Can you imagine?? HELP’s program allows volunteers to participate in substantive projects, which (1) assess needs in-country, (2) ascertain local buy-in, and (3) develop innovative poverty alleviating programs which allow for opportunities of growth and development. Projects in Fiji are done collaboratively with locally operated NGOs in country. Projects taken on require commitment from the community. They are aimed at helping, thereby not only securing more sustainability, but also increasing effective program transferability.
As a volunteer, I have the opportunity to raise funds that will make these projects possible, and I am hoping to fundraise a great deal of the service trip. My goal is to raise $3,000.00 by May 30, 2013The amount of good that can be done for the people in Fiji increases significantly with even a small donation. Understanding how the economic crisis has affected us in the United States, we can hardly imagine how much worse it has devastated those in impoverished countries. We are inviting you to join us and HELP International in serving the people of Fiji by donating $5, 15, 25, 35, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, or whatever you can.** 
    Checks should be made payable to HELP International with “Sarah Montgomery” in the memo line. ** Donations can be mailed directly to HELP International with the provided pre-stamped return envelope, or through Network for Good online. ** For online donations, go to the HELP website (listed below), click on “Donate” at the top of the home page, and include “Sarah Montgomery” in the dedication box. ** If you’d like more information please visit the HELP International website or you can email me at and call me at (352-551-3774). Please feel free to contact me to learn more about my plans. I would love to hear from you.
    Thank you in advance for your support. You play a key role in the alleviation of poverty around the world. “You” make the difference. I would like to keep you and your family informed on the progress of the various projects. Here is a link to the team blog we will keep this summer: Also, I will be posting a blog to my Facebook profile every once in a while so look for that if you are interested or let me know and I will send you the post in a private Facebook message.
So far i have raised almost 2,000 dollars, which is wonderful, but im far from my goal! Help me reach it!!
Thank You! 

YOUr help + YOUr love = Happiness


Honestly, I truly appreciate all those 
who took an interest in my life.
It is a great feeling to feel supported
by others. Thank you.